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From De Re Metallica by Georgius Agricola (translated by Herbert Hoover), published by Dover Publications. Reprinted with permission of Dover Publications.








Amenability of Gold Ores to Coarse Particle Gangue Rejection (Preconcentration) Processes
T.D.H. McGrath, G.M. Wardell-Johnson, A.R. Bax, and J.J. Eksteen, Proceedings IMPC 2016

Characterisation and Modelling of the Behaviour of Gold-Silver Competitive Co-Adsorption in CIL/CIP Circuits
A.R. Bax, K. Barbetti, W.P. Staunton, J. Avraamides, and J.J. Eksteen, Proceedings IMPC 2016

An Integrated Liberation-Leach Model (ILLM) To Evaluate Gold Liberation and Its Impacts On Gravity Recovery and Leaching
A.R. Bax, T.D.H. McGrath, J.J. Eksteen, W.P. Staunton, E.A. Oraby, and G. Wardell-Johnson, Proceedings IMPC 2016

An Integrated Liberation-Leach Model (ILLM) And Ore Characterisation Procedure for Gold Ores
A. Bax, T.D.H. McGrath, J.J. Eksteen, W. Staunton, E.A. Oraby & G. Wardell-Johnson, GeoMet 2016, 315-320

A Decade of Gravity Gold Recovery
G Wardell-Johnson, A Bax, W P Staunton, J McGrath & J.J Eksteen, World Gold 2013, 225-232

A Review of Best Practice in Gravity Circuit Design and Operation
A Giblett, A Bax, G Wardell-Johnson & W Staunton, MetPlant, Perth, 2013

Process Modelling of Gold Leaching-CIP for Plant Optimisation
W.P. Staunton, G. Wardell-Johnson & A. Bax, Precious Metals ’12, Cape Town, South Africa, 12-13 November 2012, 72-75

A Method to Determine the Optimum Cycle Time for Batch Centrifugal Concentrators for Gold Recovery
A. Bax & J.J. Eksteen, Precious Metals ’12, Cape Town, South Africa, 12-13 November 2012, 57-71

Optimising Circuit Design for Gravity Gold Recover
W.P. Staunton & A.R. Bax, World Gold 2011, 229-240

Modelling the Effect of Gravity Gold Recovery on Leaching Performance.
W.P. Staunton & A.R. Bax, Gravity Gold 2010, AusIMM, Ballarat, 2010, 155-158

Gold Ore Treatment by Goldfan Ltd at Three Mile Hill, Coolgardie, W.A.
Alan R. Bax & Ann C. Bax, Australasian Mining and Metallurgy, Monograph 19, 1992

Fouling of Activated Carbon by Circuit Organics
S.R. LaBrooy, A.R. Bax, D. Muir, J. Hosking, H Hughes, & A. Parentich
Extractive Metallurgy of Gold, Vol II, South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, 1986

The Fouling of Activated Carbon by Organic Reagents
S.R. LaBrooy & A.R. Bax, 13th International Chemical Engineering Conference, Perth, WA, 1985


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